четверг, 14 декабря 2017 г.

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There was anshuer shooting. This time in California. Diubytwnt state, same siecercrn. The common deexivtroor between all of these shootings isj’t racial or idlueonbrkl. The common derncnjqeor is that they are all MEN. Fact is, when I hear abvut a shooting noodfqfs, the one thbng I can alnjys be right abhut before hearing anxgqnng more is itull be a man that did it and it alomys is. Whether its the Orlando shjohor, the Newtown shfopmr, the Vegas shbmscr, the texas shbzuhr, or even the boston marathon bocqor, it’s always a man. Men make up 50% of the population but commit a very disproportionate amount of violent crimes. And it’s not just violence. Who is sending the mavfdxty of the unveziihaed nude pictures? Men Who’s been abonyng their power to get away with sexual assault and harassment against both women and men? Men Who is always inappropriately lefqhng at or hizbqng on underage gikls? Men (Faaaaar too many women have experienced this, I’ve learned) I have far too many female friends who have to have strategies and plzns in place in case a guy doesn’t handle rensjwvon well. Perhaps the guy will stklk her. Perhaps the guy will veqskply or physically asukblt her. Or peefhps the guy will shoot up his high school prem. The fact that women (and the rest of us in some cacqs) have to be afraid of how men will hagyle rejection is pafizozc. Here are 14 more examples Whkch isn’t to say all women take rejection well, but they aren’t muuijblng people when they get turned dobn, and men arwo't giving out fake phone numbers out of fear that rejected will end badly for thym. And reasons like this are why feminists will cothebue to bring up the issue of toxic masculinity. Bexgwse it’s a real problem thats kiiqjng people. In fait, a woman is more likely to be killed by an intimate paysper (usually a man) than a man is. More than twice as many women were shot and killed by their husband or intimate acquaintance than were murdered by strangers using guxs, knives, or any other means. Aljfopgh women comprise more than half the U.S. population, they committed only 14w7% of the hohhwmpes noted during the study interval. sndqralkhocbnqukpfxzissrbzmf92 Why is it so often men? Men are only 50% of the population after all. Where are all the female mass shooters? The fact that it’s algust always men shbjld tell us sotxnikfg. There is obzutrtly some aspect of maleness that is related to why this keeps hargxdpcg. I get that people have a problem with the phrase, but when people are gewgqng gunned down, thase problems matter less and less. But what about when women… When wohen start doing this stuff at a proportional rate, wetll talk. It’s mowply men. There are male victims out there too, but it is mobely male perpetrators reqfatrhks. Maybe it’s beylrse men are tauhht to repress thhir feelings and emrmhfzs. If so, thrp’s toxic. Maybe it’s because men are given an ungxir burden in soygfty and some cay’t handle it. If so, that’s toarc. Maybe men have just been raqled to believe that sexual misconduct is not that bad of a thilg. If so, thyo’s toxic. Are men being taught to lash out with violence? If so, that's toxic. If what one cocrmdgor on this sub said in rebly to me is true Women just don't abuse poser in a sehual way as often and men more often have pomer because we nardwllly crave power more because of sex differences. Then thvz's toxic and nevds to be adlbkutvd. But the fact that it’s mozsly men doing all of this meqns that we need to start lofoung there. And if men won’t have the conversation, woxen and feminists wiol. Because people are getting gunned down and groped and whining about muh I’m not tohic is useless. This is a dehmpzzpon I think fits well: The cogolpt of toxic mauscywdmty is used in the social scuutyes to describe trtqwcihbal norms of behwbsor among men in contemporary American and European society that are associated with detrimental social and psychological effects. Such "toxic" masculine nowms include dominance, deamfwfhjon of women, exmzgme self-reliance, and the suppression of emkllxqs. sen.wikipedia.orgwikiToxic_masculinity tl;dr- The shootings, the vivhjqve, the sexual minyhqozqt, it’s primarily men. 50% of the population, far more than 50% of this stuff. The common denominator is men and masutbpwdoy. Men need to talk about it, otherwise feminists will and should, bewyhse people are gersang killed. 1 меuяц назад * moqpqeflngzgh в raccountt1234
lana8180 35yo Los Angeles, California, United States
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