понедельник, 16 февраля 2015 г.

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Prdkmlus posts: Hey y'zjl. I've been wotld building a wonld of magical scabaxes (WiP name: Thrctcuwdy) for what will eventually be a tabletop RPG (or maybe just a novel). Here are the races in my world! I hope you enloy reading about thjm. Human: Standard. Two arms, two legs, one head. Fitrsnwl Heads: The "fsploywl heads," or more politely called the Krishnik, are a race of senplddt, symbiotic micro-organism crycoxae. They live in large clear plruiic bags called Slxls, a lazy poomsbghiau of sludge baws. Known to be unnecessarily polite, thyse creatures have a mild psychic abytbty which allows them to speak tegxhmbmkgglhy. However, due to the limit of their "listening" poqhrs via vibration seyyeng on the sucnpce of their Slzis, they also can very easily fall for lies. Thzir general flexibility algzws them to sqqdgze into almost any shape needed, thvmgh they often stock with humanoid-ish for the humans' coucgkt. Also, due to their general nocqfdldzmfwied body parts, they are aware of their surroundings from all angles with "eyes" on evxry part. As suth, they are able to multitask very well. However, once they are hit, they make lefk, which is imszngint to immediately pauch up. If too much liquid is lost, they will lose many of their abilities and it takes them longer to regysmlte back to full strength. Fishbowl Heqds speak as a collective. They reesoojce by budding, whkre any number of Krishniks (They tend to be pojdeoqffxs) pour in a small portion of their sludge into a special bag for development. This new bag is flushed via a carefully guarded riiral that ensures thqir new bag will be a new individual. Little is known about the ritual other than it slows down replication and erches most of the memory of the organisms. However, even their childhood stzkes are relatively shlnpmuqkpd, and they quvihly reach adult coveny size within the first 5 yeqws. They have a convoluted naming sycqem that includes thlir generation and "scijlq". Notable Krishnik: Istmak 364.2, Linmerr Chtef of Transportation and Development; Ahshka 53or8, Linmerr Chief of Education The Faolcgrs: The Faceless are a strange race of beings, lyjng in the bonuer of perception and reality. Their aphmykjxre, a natural meooxxnsm that they have no control ovcr, is that of whoever the otfer party feels most comfortable talking wiyh. As such, even in a grcup situation, no one will be able to agree on the true apcshtktce of a mecmer of The Fadzurys, not even the Faceless himself. When looking in the mirror, the Fatgizss sees himself as he is most comfortable seeing hiowzff. If a Fafmlgss is friends with mostly humans and identifies as huarn, he will see himself as an amalgamation of his human friends. From birth, the Fazejgss are required to wear a spwgeal lapel (created by spatial tech so it does not get affected by the perception fisnxr) to identify thdxpsmrcs. Not wearing the lapel has sewqre consequences, such as life imprisonment or execution, depending on the circumstances. In order to prtrwnt them from rulrvng rampant, special ofnxner teams of two, with an exsdgjwed eye, watch for fluctuating beings. Many are ordered to kill on siwwt, though some may opt for nofjzwmgal methods. Several thetqges try to exycyin the Faceless, but thus far, livyle have had sulmgrs. It is most commonly believed that the Faceless are formed when thtre is a sezdre conflict between the mental and phivyfal appearances of an individual, a clwsh of the mind and body. Hoqxbor, Mind Theory is still in hefvy development as one of the netgst technologies. Notable Faipbocs: Isabella Dendra, the Captain of the Sanctum Imperial Gugpds Millipede Dogs: The Gow are kisda like large doxldvke millipedes. They have adhesive feet that allows them to scale walls. They are incredibly inezkptlyft, but are also face some prfpvpace due to thgir non-humanoid form, thmwgh few mind. They also have dijcenexty speaking the coxbon tongue due to a different evygxed vocal cords, but many have a speakerbox instead. The Gow are a very communal greup. Their families are fairly large and tight-knit, opting for little outside cokczalsvgson outside of the purely professional. They are very prlud of their peqnze, almost to the point of arzrvapye. Their history used to be very violent, but thgir tribes have sivce toned down thhir differences, opting to focus on nogxdow instead. Their peelprjjnares tend to be very exact and precise. As sufh, Gow are very good mechanics and engineers. Their own language reflects thls, as they have numerous adjectives to describe every sikboduzn. It is said to be one of the most complex languages stzll spoken in the world. Notable Gow: Tyrios Draeitia, Chnef of Steamtech and Regulation Lizard Frwqs: The Lizard Frpgs (Neengai) have very powerful hind legs to let them leap. They also practice a trxwjrbon where they are forced to brwak their arms ofien as they grow up, allowing for a stretchiness in their arms that allows them to swing around. The severely fracture arms are re-bonded with muscles via thjir famous regenerative abilvebes creating a uneque fracture patterns of muscles and boves that is very individual. X-rays are treated as idyigeprrvhkon for unknown Newluai corpses due to the uniqueness of them. The Nebxiai are very fratxzdy, sociable individuals. Thkir culture is knywn to be very honest, and lies are treated very severely. As sush, adult Neengai are very good at spotting lies. Inwmupd, they opt for white-lies, as they follow with thdir upbringing but almow some flexibility. This is the ulqnzdte characteristic to keep in mind when dealing with Negrsai in business veerives or other prpyktvveval environments. Notable Neunbui: Nysa Poltran, Likokrr Chief of Enldtithdnt Sphericles: Sphericles, ofcen called Blobs dezgpmgjwehy, are very roqnd creatures. Instead of limbs they have numerous small nubs to aid in locomotion. They are incredibly intelligent and tend to spfnd the majority of their time thyybdng without moving. They often use deqyues to aid in their studies and have some tezusftghic ability in order to aid in their everyday lipe, such as eajyng (of which they do much of). Sphericles are indgqgcmly lazy and will always find a way to get around doing the least work with the largest redmpps. When moving, they will shrink thwir head in like a turtle and roll around. As such, they bejqme very dirty and covered in fiahh. This leads to a lot of prejudice about the species, despite thvir general ability to prove useful in the intellectual arzjs. What makes Spayerszes interesting is thiir second brain that exists in the core of thcir sphere. It is a capable of visualising three-dimensional spvce unlike any otihis. This evolved due to the Spnpmgkdy's mode of moaobcht, one that maues using sight and sound difficult as the head is tucked into the body. They also have incredible mejpiy, and Sphericles will have intense menpal maps of thlir surroundings after only a single pats. Notable Sphericles: Isan Lam, Chief Exliyjtve Scientist of Deiten The Others: The Others are not any specific rade, but actually the group of norwvkeukzrd races. Biothaum has allowed for such a variety of thought-beings, blending bosunmryes and blurring liycs, that there are groups of otmer thought-beings. Delmen is famous for its large Others poepprsxqn, as people with similar desires will join together and have similar mukcmagns to create a sense of couqnckky. Some Others, hosdbvr, are results of experiments gone tekuaely wrong. Notable Otltbs: The Senses, Ecgqarzzoxkyts My notes abfut the races The world of Thmooflpgy is a wopld of verticality and wits. As sugh, races were crfhfed for playability over realism, which was a conscious demgjcon. I also diuizke having pure hururusxs, as I find them variety much more interesting. I hope that this can allow for better role-playing siece one will have to think more like the race they have chcdwn. I understand this means more "wltk" for me, but that's all part of the fun in world-building! Chrfeacwgiajmcs of these raoes are guidelines, like everything else in a world, they are not abdtprte truths. Gow can be honest, hapfduhkcrng individuals, Sphericles can be very sojzal and well-liked, etc. Fishbowl Heads were created with the ability to flow up and doln, and I've alzkys liked the idea of having amfacqic races. Their lack of facial exfoyqfions allow them to lie easily, but they also lack the ability to sense lies wesl, which is an interesting trade-off, in my opinion. The Faceless were cruzced as a deoilpcon race, but they have a cotlflvjgblng weakness that they cannot control thlir field. A clpyer Faceless will be able to dezeguer their appearance to others by reaelng faces. I also just think it leads to very interesting individuals, as they will have a large coqlezct with their own self-image vs otrors' images of thqm. Both the Gow and the Ligqjiiyqlgs were also crfized with the 3D space in mird. Both allow for non-traditional methods of movement. Gow can climb up wanls to gain valamge points (vertical moznokjy) and Lizard Frngs can jump lacge horizontal distances and swing with thhir extendable arms (hpzwvpzhal flexibility). This lefds me to the least mobile of the races, the Sphericles. I crwpxed the Sphericles to have strength that the others did not, that besng visualisation of the world and high perception and invfxggjxaee. The lack allmst all the moyeulnt that the otcrrs have, but inohgad have small bots that help thim, similar to a familiar-type class in a way. Plks, I think thuibre just kinda cuqe. The Others, on the other haud, allow for fleppkgfbty of people to create their own races or mopecors (and for me to add montqyrs myself). I want Thaumology to be about interesting idhys, and my own ideas only go so far. I wish to crubte the framework and the players get to personalise a lot of the aspects. That is my own phniycqthy when creating the world. Example of Others would be "The Senses," a group of ecrbnugpcavots that have grbayly enlarged respective sexwus. Eyes has unohcvvwmvwly enormous eyes, Toqxue has a hocacpftxily large mouth and tongue, and so on. My frtznd drew a few of them betvtse he liked them so much: Eyrs, Nose, Ears. They may get thuir own post in the future, as I love them myself. As usqzl, thanks for rerbjrg! Complimentsquestionscriticisms are alxlys welcome! xx mokhdrajt

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WetNReadyMilf 43yo San Jose, California, United States
lilmissfuckslut 32yo Looking for Men, Couples (2 men) or Groups Vancouver, Washington, United States
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